February 20, 2016

Dhanvantari - Pathinen siddhar

Dhanvantari Siddhar(சித்தர் தன்வந்திரி)

    dhanvantari siddhar
  • In the glorified history of Siddha Medicine System, Siddhar dhanvantari occupies a distinctive position as an exponent of Ayurveda System of medicine, which is an arm of Siddha Medicine System.
  • According to purana’s Siddhar dhanvantari is the physician of gods, who appeared at the churning of the ocean.
  • But, Siddhar Agathiyar in his acclaimed work of Agathiyar 12000 says that “Siddhar dhanvantari belongs to the ancestry of Lord MahaVishnu and was born to a family of musical tradition. Also, he learnt Siddha Medicine System top to bottom seeking knowledge from 18 Siddha’s”.
  • It is said that he has learnt three lakh kranthas from his teachers.
  • He perfected many herbal based cures and natural remedies and was credited with the discovery of the antiseptic properties of turmeric and the preservative properties of salt which he incorporated in his cures.
  • Being a very skilled surgeon according to the standards of his time, he is widely believed to be the pioneer of modern medical practices like plastic surgery
  • Thus he is considered “FATHER OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINE SYSTEM”.
  • He had compiled his works on universal salt- muppu, amuri and jayaneer.
  • He has also performed black magic and miracles, which he has cited in his works with full descriptions.
  • According to traditions, he taught surgery methods and procedures to Susrutha, the Father of Ayurvedic Surgery.
  • His works are mostly in Sanskrit so, segregated as Ayurveda medicine system by the next generation people.
  • His disciples are Susruta, Pauskalavata, Aurabha, Vaitarana, and others.
  • His jeeva samathi is in Vaitheeswaran koil in Chidambaram.

His Works:

Few of his medicines: (please use it under the advice of a qualified doctor)
  • ஜெயவல்லாதி லேகியம் - Siddha medicine for psoriasis and other related skin problems etc.
  • பித்தசாந்தி சூரணம் – Siddha medicine for general digestive disorders.
  • கூழ்பாண்ட கிருதம் - Siddha medicine for piles, bile problems like jaundice etc
  • திருப்புகழானந்த நெய் – Siddha medicine for problems related to bile and blood.
  • மணிமந்திர ரசாயனம் – Siddha medicine for vaasiyogam
  • தன்வந்திரி நூல்கள்
  • தன்வந்திரி நிகண்டு – dhanvantari
  • தன்வந்திரி பாலவாகடம் – dhanvantari balavagadam
  • தன்வந்திரி தைலம்–500 – dhanvantari thailam 500
  • தன்வந்திரி வைத்திய காவியம்-1000 – dhanvantari vaithiya kaaviyam 1000
  • தன்வந்திரி கலைஞானம்-500 - dhanvantari kalaignanam 500
  • தன்வந்திரி சூட்சும வைத்தியம் - dhanvantari soothsuma vaithiyam
  • தன்வந்திரி நாலுகாண்ட ஜாலம்-800 - dhanvantari naalugnadajaalam 800
  • தன்வந்திரி கருடாரூடம்-100 - dhanvantari garudaaroodam 100
  • தன்வந்திரி செயநீர்-50 - dhanvantari jeyaneer 50
  • தன்வந்திரி முப்புசூத்திரம்-48 - dhanvantari muppu soothiram 48
  • தன்வந்திரி வைத்தியசிந்தாமணி-1200 - dhanvantari vaithiya cinthaamani 1200
  • தன்வந்திரி தண்டகம்-140 - dhanvantari thandagam 140
  • தன்வந்திரி நிகண்டு-300 - dhanvantari nigandu 300
  • தன்வந்திரி கருக்கிடை-300 - dhanvantari karukidai 300

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